Late Starter Chronicles: Take Your Time, Trust The Process.

KPable Mindset
2 min readJun 10, 2021

In 2018, I wrote an article called, Never Too Late To Be A Late Starter. It was a post directed at people that had decided to make a change in their lives at a late stage of their lives and were fearful that time had passed them by.

This was one of the first articles I had written when I had decided that I wanted to start my coaching practice. At that time I felt so strongly about this message “it's never too late” I continue to use it as my own, personal affirmation. This was the group I had decided I wanted to work with, the Late Starters.

As time went on, I felt like I had drifted away from my message. In the need to make the venture a success I tried every tip, trick and hack trying to attract any individual that wanted or may benefit from coaching no matter what their need. failing to fine-tuning my attention to support and aid my fellow late starters.

I started to focus solely on growing and being successful as soon as possible. It started to become overwhelming and stressful. It was as if I was in a rush. As if I didn’t have enough time. Then it hit me. I started to feel as if I had started too late. I had stopped listening to my very own message.

This was an impactful revelation for me. How could I coach people around starting a new life, late in life If I myself didn’t believe it to be true?

I had to revisit the mindset I had when I started this journey. The mindset that believes that we are capable of change no matter what stage in life we are, no matter what society thinks, we are capable of great things no matter what stage in life we are at.

My reason for mentioning this is I recently started working with a client that had contacted me via a directory that I no longer subscribe to (one of the many avenues I’d used to attract my clients). As I hadn’t responded, she sought me out and contacted me directly. As we talked, I asked what it was that had led her to choose me as her coach. She mentioned that she had read my article Never Too Late To Be A Late Starter and felt that she needed somebody that believed this.

I DO believe this, and I am more excited than I was before to demonstrate that this is true for me and for any of you that are ready to take a chance. It's never too late to be a late starter and it never too late to be happy. Let’s get it done

